Adaptive Clothing Tips for Stroke Survivors

NeuroRehab Team
Monday, December 23rd, 2019

Getting oneself dressed is a critical part of being a fully independent person. For a person who has had a stroke, getting dressed can help feel more normal again. This can really help to boost both mood and self esteem.

The tips below will help both the stroke patient and the caregiver make dressing an easier part of the daily routine:

Tip #1:

Think about the clothes that will be easiest for the stroke patient to put on each day. Think about looser types of clothing that have wide neck openings and elastic waistbands. Clothes that must be pulled over the head, such as t-shirts and sweaters, can be more difficult for the patient to manage. Zippers are easier to use than buttons (especially with our Zipper Rings).



Tip #2:

Give the patient more time to get dressed. To keep better organized and make the process smoother, it is a good idea to lay out the clothes in the order that he or she is going to put them on. The clothes that are going to put on first should be on top. If you are helping him or her dress, remember to dress the affected side first. The opposite is the case when he/he is getting undressed; take the close off the unaffected side first.


Tip #3:

If possible, have the patient sit up. It will be easier to put clothes on when seated than when lying down.



Tip #4:

Pants – Many stroke patients have lost strength in their hands, especially on the affected side. You may need to help the patient put pants on.



Shoes also can be a bit tricky for the patient to put on (the Dressing Stick and Shoehorn is a big help here ). This is especially true if the stroke patient is trying to put shoes on alone. To make it easier, consider slip-on shoes with a gripping sole and a sturdy heel. This can be easier for him/her to manage than laced shoes. You also can consider shoes that are fastened with Velcro.




Tip #6

Belts – For making dressing easier for both the caregiver and the patient, belts should be put on pants before they are worn.


Ref: The Wright Stuff

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