Walking and Stroke Recovery: What You Need to Know

NeuroRehab Team
Saturday, January 25th, 2020


A stroke can impact any number of life skills. But the ability to walk can be one of the most significant. Many people identify walking as an important goal after they experience a stroke. This makes sense because walking is related to so many daily routines. Every stroke survivor is different. Some stroke survivors might need help to walk a few feet. Other individuals might recover significantly and be able to walk long distances. This article will provide post-stroke walking education for a range of skill levels.

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Mobility and Leg Recovery Following Stroke and Other Neurological Injuries

NeuroRehab Team
Friday, August 2nd, 2019


One of the most common impairments resulting from stroke is paralysis, which can affect a portion or the entire side of the body. Problems with body posture, walking, and balance can be significant. Two thirds of the patients are unable to walk without assistance in the first week after stroke (Jorgensen HS et al. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 1995). Approximately 35% of survivors with initial paralysis of the leg do not regain useful walking function (Hendricks HT et al. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2002). Although 65% to 85% of stroke survivors learn to walk independently by 6 months post stroke, gait abnormalities and poor endurance persists through the chronic stages of the condition (Wade DT et al. Scand J Rehabil Med, 1987).

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Improve Functional Mobility With Lower Extremity Stroke Technology

NeuroRehab Team
Tuesday, December 26th, 2017

One of the most common impairments resulting from stroke is paralysis, which can affect a portion or the entire side of the body. Problems with body posture, walking, and balance can be significant. A patient’s rehabilitation should start as soon as he or she is stable. That could be anywhere from a couple of days to a few weeks or longer. Established guidelines, as well as a huge body of literature, insist that the earlier therapy is initiated the better.

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Stroke/Neuro Products That Improve Strength and Function

NeuroRehab Team
Monday, April 3rd, 2017


It is true that recovering from a stroke will be an uphill battle for many, however, it is also accurate that the latest research findings regarding neuro recovery are more promising than ever before. How serious are you with embracing evidence into your practice? As a clinician, are you stuck using numerous theoretical-based treatment concepts that have not scientifically been proven to be effective?

Listed below are some of the common interventions supported by research that have shown positive results. How many of the below techniques are in your current therapy toolbox? If just a few, then why?

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How to Find Stroke Balance Therapy Options

NeuroRehab Team
Wednesday, September 14th, 2016

Stroke patients in wheelchairs able to walk again after stem cell transplant.

NeuroRehab Team
Saturday, July 23rd, 2016


Written by Honor Whiteman


The results of a small clinical trial offer hope for people left with motor impairment following a stroke, after finding that an injection of adult stem cells into the brain restored motor function for such individuals, to the extent that some patients regained the ability to walk.


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