Intensive 3-Day “Stroke Boot Camp” For Patients Now Available

NeuroRehab Team
Sunday, May 7th, 2017


The Stroke Hand and Upper Limb Clinic, offered by occupational therapists specializing in neurorehabilitation, provides an intensive (3 days, 6 hours per day) upper extremity treatment program for patients suffering from neurological impairments such as spasticity and weakness. The specialized stroke clinic, located in Charleston, SC is geared primarily towards clients that struggle with arm and hand function.

Hand Closed

Is this you? Improve recovery at the Stroke Hand and Upper Limb Clinic.


“Through the use of the latest treatment techniques and breakthrough medical devices, further recovery is possible months or even years post stroke”, stated Heidi Hoffman, occupational therapist. “Research shows that most stroke survivors do not receive enough therapy to the involved arm and hand to make meaningful progress. In fact, most patients only use their affected hand for less than 1 hour per day.  At the Stroke Hand and Upper Limb Clinic, strong emphasis will be placed on incorporating the client’s affected hand functionally and purposefully through various exercises and tasks.  To maximize arm and hand function, and allow cortical plasticity to occur, the neurological hand must be incorporated for grasp and release activities each day.”


What Can I Expect During and After the Treatment? 


The Stroke Hand and Upper Limb Clinic utilizes evidence-based technology (Functional Splints, Electrical StimulationBiofeedbackMobile Arm SupportVirtual Reality/Exercise Games etc.), to allow clients to successfully incorporate their hand (often for the first time since their stroke) and position them for the best possible recovery. While receiving the 3-day intensive treatment, clients will learn how to perform improved movement patterns and use their affected hand functionally. These treatment strategies will be carried over to the home environment following completion of the program.

Although most of the gains will be made at home, it is not uncommon for some to see early progress while at the Clinic. Along with receiving one-on-one rehabilitation with a licensed therapist, following discharge, clients will be taking home a clinically prescribed exercise program for continued progress as well as stroke technology based on their needs.

The key will be to have the right therapy tools and techniques prescribed so clients can leave with a solid plan for continued progress. This comprehensive stroke “boot camp” is perfect for individuals needing tools and techniques to jump start their recovery.

To see if you are a candidate for the Program or to learn more, please contact us at [email protected].

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