Brain Rehab Home Account

Price Range: $0 - $249
What is Virtual Reality/Exercise Games, Visual Motor Training?

Our Visual Brain (OVB) is a web-based platform designed to provide prescriptive inpatient and outpatient treatment for TBI/ABI rehabilitation. Our comprehensive library contains a wide variety of activities for all ages and abilities, accessible through a HIPAA-secure gated platform. Currently, we offer over 170 therapeutic games that are completely customizable and, therefore, appropriate for all skill levels.

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Our Visual Brain

2433 Lorentz Pl
Seattle, WA USA

Our mission is to elevate traditional computer-based treatment models by injecting an element of fun whenever possible. Research supports the idea that better treatment outcomes are achieved through engagement and variety. Our large, ever-expanding library provides treatment options in the areas of visual perceptual skills, oculomotor skills, executive functioning, visual motor integration, working memory, academics, and vision, including vergence, peripheral expansion, and depth perception. Additionally, we offer a unique customization option that focuses on desensitizing everyday triggers.

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